Enter and Escape
Illustration, Packaging design
How can you use illustration to convey dichotomy, illuminating juxtaposing sides of a subject?

Parallel World
Illustration, Digital Painting
A surreal and magical parallel world

Artificial Intelligence: Pick your own DNA
My attempt to visualize AI and the selection of human's DNA

Circular Breakfast
How can you interpret two unrelated words for conveying a topic by an illustration?

Drawing & Painting
Two sides of me

Fantaisie Impromptu Op.66. Record Design
Drawing and painting, Record Cover design
How can a record design communicate the mood of a piece of classical music?

Hou Mei Zine
Editorial Design, Illustration, Typography
How can design introduce Chinese Culture through Cantonese Cuisine to young audiences?

Beyond Icon Design
Icon Design, Illustration, Graphic Design
How can an icon expand the meaning behind a theme?

Study of Paper Form transform 2D to 3D
2D to 3D translation, Paper Sculpture