Try the Yumspace App Prototype here
This project won the fifth place for 2021 Adobe X Twitch Creative Jam (March 17-31) against 409 teams across the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. My teammate Haneul and I finished this jam with a total of 48-52 hours.

My teammate Haneul and I decided to conduct some online research to understand what are some of the opportunities that are missing in food sharing app today. Among a saturated market with food delivery app, we recognized there is a lack of connection between recipe apps (sharing in a social community) and personalized user experience.
We collaborated with each other through Google Docs for all the brainstorming ideas, plannings and research and rough analysis.
We collaborated with each other through Google Docs for all the brainstorming ideas, plannings and research and rough analysis.

1. Involvement, activity and direct feedback
According to the current market of food recipe apps, there are minimum function for taking care of users' direct feedback. Majority of the cooking app only allows commenting only, without the features of sharing to friends or commenting with photos.
2. Connection and engagement
Since there are lack of opportunities for communicating with people who share the same appetite, there are lack of engagement in terms of digging out the recipes. There are also lack of different medias to broaden user's interest.
3. Background knowledge and accessibility
According to the current market of food recipe apps, there are minimum function for taking care of users' direct feedback. Majority of the cooking app only allows commenting only, without the features of sharing to friends or commenting with photos.
2. Connection and engagement
Since there are lack of opportunities for communicating with people who share the same appetite, there are lack of engagement in terms of digging out the recipes. There are also lack of different medias to broaden user's interest.
3. Background knowledge and accessibility
After we analyzed the current food app in the market and online research, we’ve found a missing opportunity for making the app more inclusive, accessible and more personalized. There is a chance to inform users about food culture and its background information if we can make the design to support the content.
Takeaways we incorporated:
1. Font accessibility
2. Language preferences setting
1. Font accessibility
2. Language preferences setting
3. Subtitles for livestream and video tutorials
4. Personalized schedule
4. Personalized schedule
5. Explore food by using maps or categories
6. Filters adjusted to user's need
7. Voice message, phone call and video call function for chat room
8. Be able to see friend's recipes and their friend in chat room
9. Live chat
10. Saved recipes and be able to add recipe's author as friend
User Personas
We've chose three different users in terms of gender, age group, country of origins and different needs to give an overview of what can be accomplished by using our Yumspace app. Their pain points help us when we are brainstorming solutions.

User Flow & Story
This user flow help us to present the prototype to the judges, step by step. This ensures that every feature of our app get presented seamlessly in a logical and structural way.

Visual Design
The orange and brown colour palette conveys a warm atmosphere, further communicates the app’s position of being a friendly and welcoming resource. The use of icons, typography, and illustrations contribute to an intuitive and creative interface.
Haneul and I collaborated on Adobe XD synchronously as well as asynchronously, this brand guideline help us to make sure our design style are on the same page.
Haneul and I collaborated on Adobe XD synchronously as well as asynchronously, this brand guideline help us to make sure our design style are on the same page.